Friday can only mean one of two things – either it’s payday or it’s timesheet day. One is a glorious notification that your account has been credited. The other is something a little more, well, manual.
Employees go to grab a timesheet from the office, only to find there aren’t any left – so they ask HR to give them some more. HR prints out one copy and then sends the intern to the copy room to make 100 copies. But someone from finance jammed the copier, so the intern has to walk around to find someone to fix it.
Finally, 100 copies show up and there is a mad rush to grab a sheet. Work lurches to a standstill as people reflect on their week. Did I come late Tuesday morning? Was my dentist appointment on Wednesday or Thursday?
At 4:45pm, everyone hands over their sheets to their managers for approvals. Managers quickly scan through everything as fast as they can since they are just as eager to get out the door as everyone else. They make a few squiggly marks on the sheets and pass them on to HR for processing, which doesn’t happen until the next week.
On Monday, the HR intern’s task is data entry and then he passes on the papers to Finance for payroll processing. But somewhere along the way, two sheets were lost, three were reported wrongly, and payday becomes complaint day as the office fills up with people who feel they were wronged.
Timesheet Approval Automation
The timesheet approval process is in desperate need of automation. With so much at stake and so many opportunities for errors, any kind of systematic workflow can brings a huge amount of relief to everyone.
Thankfully, an automated employee timesheet approval process is pretty easy to set up. You can create an electronic form that automatically populates information like name, department, reporting manager, and the start and end date.
Employees can easily input their data and overtime can be pulled out and calculated automatically.
The workflow for a timesheet approval process is straightforward as well. Most flow from Manager Approval to HR Processing to Payroll Processing.
That’s it. Each employee can get a simple, no-nonsense result. No papers, no complaints, no lost time.
Try KiSSFLOW today for a free 14 day trial and see how you can crush some chaos around timesheet approvals.
The post Take the Manual Problems Out of the Timesheet Approval Process appeared first on KiSSFLOW.